Here's a bit of cuteness ... my DH took his hunting dog Cozi down to the family farm on Saturday. Both of our dogs tend to sleep during the day while we are at work. Well, no naps at the farm. Toffee was sleeping on Cozi's pillow when DH returned, so Cozi just cuddled in and they were both dozing.
Need to get that second KHTG started .... now that all the kinks are out of the pattern for me, it should go quicker.
Very nice!! I am doing mine 2 at a time and am not even half way up the foot. Slow and steady (and distracted).
I tried two circs once ... for about 4 rows ... probably didn't give it enough of a chance ... I'm so use to dps that I don't like to get out of that comfort zone. I have, however, purchased a long Addi #1 to use for magic loop sometime .... soon???
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