My February Lady Sweater in BMFA Twisted in the Ravel colorway Rook-y is started. I decided some mods were needed, so started with 1.5 inches of 1x1 rib with the suggested buttonhole. About 2 inches further, decided to frog to the buttonhole and do a double yo buttonhole it a lot better. Still haven't found the buttons, but may do that this week-end at PT in Omaha. I know that they have quite a supply of buttons.
Also have started a sweater for dd.......she purchased the yarn, but I'm knitting it. It will have the cable from the Arwen sweater in IK a while back. Because of her arm length, I needed to add about 5 inches to the pattern ... quite impossible with the sleeves knitted per pattern. So, I'm using the cable from Arwen with the pattern of the Central Park Hoodie ... will make the possibility of a good-looking sleeve a lot better. Just have about 2 inches done on the first front.
I've sent off all of my swap packages, but am still waiting to hear from my upstream on the Caffeine Addicts swap. Haven't heard a word .... all packages were to be sent by today. Maybe I've been forgotten. ¿QuiĆ©n sabe? Who knows?
Suppose I'd better get back to my FLS and get the amt of yarn that I just frogged knitted ...again!
Happy knitting! TLGB
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