My dh had the week-end off, so we were at our dd's home constructing a block wall for an area for plants on the backside of her home. We got the job done ...... here's the pic of the finished product ..... it's late to be planting, so will do the plants this fall and next spring. The only black dirt in her yard is what came in on the sod that was put down, so dh brought compost w/manure and some peat moss to try to help a bit. We'll add the good top soil later. The Brittany spaniel to the left is dh's hunting buddy and the white fluff of behind on the right belongs to dd's bichon frise. My apricot poodle was in the yard, too, but just out of camera range.
When I signed up for the Ravelry Scarf Exchange 2008, I once again volunteered to be an angel ... that is to supply a scarf and other goodies in the case of the bailout of a participant. Well,..... the angel call came on Saturday while at dd's. I waited until the return home to check out my ample stash ..... had two balls of the perfect color for the swap partner. So, this morning I've been trying different size needles until now I have the first inch of a 60 inch scarf. I figure that knitting from one to four o'clock each afternoon, I should finish about the middle of next week ..... that is also the week that school resumes for the district, so this teacher will be back to work in the morning only. With retirement approaching in a few years, that doesn't sound too bad to me.
I'm working on February Lady Sweater KAL her on Ravelry. Have almost finished the yoke of the sweater .... four rows to go. Then the body is a lacy stitch .... I think I'm going to substitute a different st. I've consulted a very old stitch pattern book I have (from the 1960's) and am going to try a couple. Hopefully, I'll like one.
Did some work out with the perreniels ..... cutting off spent blossoms/flowers and dead growth. I'm about half-done, so will still spend time tomorrow.