April 23, 2008

Salish Sea Completed!

These are the Dec. 2008 Rocking Sock Club sock, Salish Sea by Cat Bordhi .... completed at last! I started them in Dec, only to find out they were huge ..... so to the frog pond they went .... both were completed halfway through the heel. Now they fit. I also used these as my April socks for the SAM5 KAL.
The Ombre alpaca afghan (knit with Cascade 220 held double on #13) that I'm knitting for our nephew's wedding in June is progressing well. There are to be eleven strips about 7 inches wide ...I'm halfway through the 4th one.
Now on to working on the socks for the Sock Pentathlon 2008 ..... am about halfway through the first diamond repeat on, ....., yes,....another toe-up sock. I still can't say I really enjoy knitting toe-up, but I'm learning the techniques at least.

April 21, 2008

Another Great Swap!!

This morning when I came home for lunch, I saw the FedEx truck pulled up in front of the house. As I got out of the car, the driver (a very pleasant lady), said, "This must be for you!" It was my Ravelry Caffeine Addict Exchange 3 package from Julie, mvknitter on Ravelry.
She sent three hanks of Alchemy Yarns Monarch (75% cashmere, 25% silk) ….. have been wanting to make some fingerless gloves from IK, but hadn’t found a cashmere based yarn I liked …. now I have it. Also included was a cup with “Knit and Sip” on it, designed by mvknitter. Can’t wait to try either of the Peeks House Blend and Major Dickason’s coffee …. tomorrow morning! She also included, a journal, vanilla almond biscotti and a gift card from Starbucks, and “streetcar” time full of Ghirardelli chocolate squares. Julie, you are awesome!

April 7, 2008

Knitting Progress

I've been working this past week on the Salish Sea socks from RCS December 2008 shipment. Well,.... I now have them back to the same point as when I frogged. Am almost ready to start the heels (they are toe-up).
I hadn't posted a pic of the Socks Pentathlon 2008 sock yet .... mainly because I didn't have much done. I am knitting both socks at the same time, so I guess there is some progress. Another toe up ..... I'm trying really hard to like them ... don't know if it's working or not. Here a pic of them almost through the first diamond repeat above the toe.
Our nephew Mark and his fiance Corbi are getting married the end of June, so I decided to knit them the Alpaca Ombre Blanket from Last Minute Knitted Gifts. DD had knitted a 100% alpaca one for a housewarming gift for herself when she purchased her home. Well, .... I chose Cascade 220 in three shades of brown/taupe and three of teal. I have the first two strips done, so it is a fast knit on size 13 circ. There will be a total of 11 strips.