These are the Dec. 2008 Rocking Sock Club sock, Salish Sea by Cat Bordhi .... completed at last! I started them in Dec, only to find out they were huge ..... so to the frog pond they went .... both were completed halfway through the heel. Now they fit. I also used these as my April socks for the SAM5 KAL.
The Ombre alpaca afghan (knit with Cascade 220 held double on #13) that I'm knitting for our nephew's wedding in June is progressing well. There are to be eleven strips about 7 inches wide ...I'm halfway through the 4th one.
Now on to working on the socks for the Sock Pentathlon 2008 ..... am about halfway through the first diamond repeat on, ....., yes,....another toe-up sock. I still can't say I really enjoy knitting toe-up, but I'm learning the techniques at least.