DD (Alcariel on Ravelry) decided to come home for the Labor Day week-end. After church this morning, I changed clothes and came out with knitted socks. DD said, "When did you do those?" When I told her that they were from TLE sock club last spring, she then said, "Well, you haven't blogged in a couple of months." My reply was, "I didn't know that you read my blog." Her answer was a resounding, "YES, I do!" So, I guess I'd better put the completed socks up. These are March Mosaic Socks by Wendy Johnson in the spring chill colorway from Fiesta Yarns Baby Boom. I did the pair toe-up (yes, Deb Barnhill, another pair of toe-up socks) ml on Addis #1 and #2. They were started April 27 and finished May 12, so a quick knit for me.
An FO this summer was the New Shell scarf from Jamieson's Ultra fw shetland yarn, a gift from Hreow in an RSE. I had started it May 16, 2009, but didn't finish it. Then when the snows of 2009-10 came about every two weeks, it was my project ... but I did finish it until July 15 ... this summer. The pattern only called for two balls of the yarn called strawberry crush, but Hreow had sent 3 since I like wide, long scarves. I knitted until I thought I just had enough left for the bind-off ... and I just did ... about one foot was all that remained.
I'm also working on another Gail shawl, this a Christmas gift for a friend ...from Kraemer Yarns Sterling Silver and Silk yarn in the tuxedo colorway. I hope to do 12 pattern repeats and am just starting the 9th repeat. Hopefully it will be finished by the end of September.
My knitting has slowed a lot due to an unfortunate accident the day before classes began at school. I was bringing the last of my "stuff" on a small AV cart when the wheel caught on a crack in the sidewalk sending my "stuff" and me forward. Not wanting to meet up with the cement sidewalk, I pushed my hands down onto the side of the cart and that saved my fall. It did, however, leave me with a severly strained left knee. I have been taking physical therapy and am starting to feel some relief. I haven't missed a day (actually just the morning), but have come home to the cold packs and tylenol. Just haven't seemed as enthused about knitting. That will change ... I guarantee that!
Happy knitting! TLGB