February 17, 2008

Cascading Leaves Completed!

I told my dd that I intended to finish the Cascading Leaves socks from yarn that she spun for me this week-end. It just happened, so here they are --

The pattern is Cascading Leaves by Jeanie Townsend, knit on KP #3 using ml with hand-spun yarn from Crown Mt. Farms roving in the Magic Carpet Ride colorway. These are my February socks for the SAM5 KAL.

I have some sewing to do this week, but hope to get started on Hint #5 on SOTS2. I've really enjoyed this KAL .... probably because I've been trying to stay current with the hints. TLGB

February 14, 2008

SOTS 2 Hint #4 Completed

I can't believe it ..... it's Thursday and I have just completed last Friday's hint. I have about 3 yards of the first skein of the KP Shadow left .... have the second ready to add when the next hint is out tomorrow.
I'm knitting a scarf for a friend's husband who admired the scarf I made his wife for Christmas. I'm using a free-trade yarn from Peru - Mirasol in a medium denin colorway. It's 60% merino, 20% alpaca, 20% silk. A 50 gr ball contains 55 yards for $6.95. I purchased the yarn at String of Purls in Omaha. I have about 4" completed and had my friend look at it yesterday at coffee ..... she was sure that her husband would love it ...... if he doesn't, she certainly will.

I'm also working on completed socks for SAM5 KAL with yarn my daughter spun .... am about halfway out on the the feet .... doing both socks at once on ml. Love the feel and colorway of this yarn! TLGB

February 11, 2008

More Time to Knit!

The principal walked in the teachers' lounge during first lunch shift, about 11:20, announcing, "We're dismissing at 1:00." So, ..... as with other dismissal days for snow, I was delighted to be knitting ..... and also, it's my birthday. When I came home, there was a phone message that the Yarn Buddy I had ordered a week ago at an LYS while visiting at my dd's home , was already in and I was given a choice of the six colors before they were placed out on the shelves for customers. Well, ..... dd had the teal color, so I chose the purple. They said it would be mailed tomorrow, so it should be here before the end of the week .... another surprise for my birthday.

I sat down to knit, thinking I only had one pattern row to do on the SOTS 2 until inserting the next lifeline (I add one every ten rows) ...... then the needle slipped in my fingers, a stitch dropped, and I frogged four rows ..... I have knitted back and even have the rows completed to put in another lifeline. I'm about 30 rows from the end of Hint 4, so should be able to finish them before Friday when the next hint comes out. I'm really liking the stole pattern and am trying to make myself do each week's hint, so this wip will be finished. Back to knitting! TLGB

February 9, 2008

Secret of the Stole II

After a busy week at school and a bell-ringers workshop this morning, I was able to finish SOTS Hint 3 earlier this evening. When I can devote 2-3 hours continuous to work on it, I am able to get 10-15 rows finished. I have printed off Hint 4, so I will at least get that started this week-end.

Now I'm off to knit on the Cascading Leaves socks for the SAM5 KAL, hoping to have the feet completed within a week. Happy knitting! TLGB

February 4, 2008

SOTS Hint #2 Completed

We helped our dd celebrate her birthday this past week-end. Some quality knitting time ....... along with frogging ....... happened. I wanted to complete Hint #2 for SOTS before the deadline at midnight Saturday, but didn't make it. I ended up frogging about 10 rows when I noticed a mistake. Now, I'm using a lifeline more frequently. Initially, I was only going to place the lifeline after each hint ..... big mistake! It's hard to tell an old knitter to use a lifeline, which my dd had told me to do before, ....... now I'm doing it about every six rows.

On the way home yesterday afternoon, I almost finished the gussets on the Cascading Leaves socks with yarn that my daughter spun from CMF Magic Carpet Ride fiber. They are to be my February socks for the SAM KAL5, so should have them completed before the week-end. Maybe I can even complete another pair during February.

Today school was delayed for two hours before being cancelled due to incoming ice and snow. Well, we did get a little freezing rain, pelletized snow followed by large, floating snowflakes for about 30 minutes ..... not much since ........ but, I always use "snow days" for knitting. So, Hint #2 is completed and I plan to start Hint #3 before too long.